Hello Karate-ka, new and prospective alike! Wow, it sure has been a long time coming. Shoken School of Karate’s website is now live!
This is a part of our schools initiative to transfer our branding from Neil Dunnigan’s School of Karate over to the new brand. The new brand being: Shoken School of Karate.
As most of you know, Sensei Dunnigan retired to New Denver a few years ago. Then he sold the Dojo to Sensei Jerrad, Sempai Tammy, and Sempai Kristian. He was kind enough to let us continue using his name and to continue riding his coat tails. However, we need to find our own way while still carrying on Sensei Dunnigan’s legacy.
Please see Sensei Dunnigan’s letter, attached below.
Some things you should know:
We will be using many different pictures, videos, and other resources on this website. If, at any time, there is something that you need taken down, please direct your concerns to korey@shokenkarate.com. You could ask one of the owners as well, but they will likely just forward it to me anyways.
For anyone that has information posted on here and wishes for that information to be changed, please contact me as well. Furthermore, if you find any bugs or broken links, feel free to report those and I will get them fixed straight away.
We shall be using this site to attract new students, to use as a central platform to distribute news and events (mostly we will just post links to social media), and we will use this as our scheduling platform.
Event Calendar
You see on the top of the screen? That part that says calendar? Click it after you are done reading this to see the schedule. We have this cool new “Zoom integration” feature as well. You can get the zoom link for the day by clicking on the event and navigating to it.
Please check back regularly to see improvements to the site and to check on the news. We will be posting all kinds of things such as events and interesting articles.
I look forward to continuing to develop this platform, and hope that you are all as excited to see the Shoken Karate brand take off as I am.
Thanks from your friendly neighborhood website admin.
~ Korey Sniezek