Sensei, Kobudo/Karate, Renshi-Rokudan

“The goal of the martial artist is perfection. Perfection, by definition, is an unachievable goal. Therefore, it’s not about the goal, it’s about the journey.”

Assistant Instructor, Shodan

“Do you know what that means? More Push-ups.”

Sensei, Kyoshi-Nanadan

“the only difference between you and a blackbelt is that the blackbelt never quit their training”

Owner, Instructor, Yondan

“Hardwork beats talent, when someone who’s talented has not worked hard.”

Owner, Sensei, Godan

“When you reach those times when you think that you know everything, it just means that you did not look hard enough to improve what you already know.”

Owner, Instructor, Yondan

“Karate has taught me strength when I needed it the most”